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Databases Hits  
POL 91741 88.8%
WILC Not connected
NIKI 2000 1.9%
WZMA 9550 9.2%

TOTAL 100%
Number of types in selection: 148
Total number of types in database: 2787
Percentage: 5.31%
Number of types in selection: 329
Total number of types in database: 5490
Percentage: 5.99%
Number of types in selection: 53
Total number of types in database: 123
Percentage: 43.09%
Number of types in selection: 300
First date: 1319
Last date: 1780
Arithmetic mean: 1516.5
Standard deviation: 83.3
Number of types in selection: 105
First value: 15
Last value: 170
Arithmetic mean: 55.5
Standard deviation: 21.2
Number of types in selection: 73
First value: 17
Last value: 104
Arithmetic mean: 44.8
Standard deviation: 14.9